
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Talking of forever and Only One. Does it real?

As a human being, we not less and more can run run away from talking like everything is forever and immortal.

Talk about immortality, its only Allah wajazalla' can tell.

I'm sure its everyone primary concern that when talk of forever it has to be related to the most almighty, the creature, or.. the family, the - self / or/ and yourself.
Certainly, the loved ones - bf's /gf's.
When was the last time you talk and promise everything 'it is forever' when neither of you can make it happen?

I am not sure whether I should believe in forever things; cause whenever speaks of it only one thing I can imagine; the hereafter life.

Speaking of which, I am amused with  BO-A new single. Nice treat for my auditory system.

I wish I could have a fair skin and sharp nose like most celebrity do.
 Alas, I am still grateful for who I am.



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