
Saturday, September 29, 2012

Info : Grey Hair, is it sign of ageing?

He. He. He. 

Hello everyone. Quite a while I haven't got time to visit this blog. Due to the real busy schedule of mine with the thesis presentation (Viba) is approaching, gosh can't even close my eyes when I'm half asleep. Keke .:P

Supposedly I post something related to the korean drama tv that I watch, recently, but guess have to put that aside first. After all, it is a sweet - fun storyline. Very well to have a relaxing me-time.

Anyway, in today post, I'd love to share an info on Grey Hair. Yeah, rambut putih, beruban. etc. etc.
Nice info taken from Yahoo News. com.

Lima fakta mengenai rambut beruban.

Rambut akan menjadi beruban setelah sel-sel melanosit di folikel rambut berhenti menghasilkan pigmen warna. Melanin rambut terdiri dari dua jenis iaitu eumelanin yang berwarna coklat tua atau hitam dan pheomelanin yang berwarna kuning atau merah. Konsentrasi dan kombinasi keduanya dalam berbeza menciptakan spektrum yang luas dari warna rambut manusia, dari hitam pekat sampai berwarna perang terang. Rambut yang telah kehilangan sebahagian besar melanin akan berwarna seperti abu-abu, rambut yang telah kehilangan semua pigmen itu akan berwarna putih. Proses kehilangan melanin ini biasanya berperingkat.

1) Rambut Beruban disebabkan oleh faktor penuaan Sel-sel kulit akan menghasilkan sejumlah kecil hydrogen peroksida dari siklus oksigen di tubuh. Penuaan menyebabkan produksi enzim katalase berkurangan dan mengganggu produksi melanin. Namun demikian, lebih cepat memiliki rambut beruban tidak bermaksud lebih cepat tua. Sebuah penelitian pada sekitar 1,200 orang di Rancho Bernardo, California, misalnya, menunjukkan bahawa pertumbuhan uban tidak berkaitan dengan tingkat kepadatan tulang di usia lanjut.

2)Faktor keturunan Keturunan juga dijadikan antara faktor rambut beruban.Kadangkala pertumbuhan uban lebih cepat dari orang yang berusia .

3)Stress boleh menyebabkan rambut beruban Ketidakseimbangan hormon atau stress juga dapat mempengaruhi gaya hidup dan boleh memiliki rambut beruban dengan cepat.

4)Kekurangan nutrisi Kekurangan zat serta nutrisi dalam badan juga boleh mempengaruhi. Perubahan warna rambut kerana kekurangan nutrisi biasanya bersifat reversibel. Jika masalahnya diperbaiki, warna rambut akan kembali normal.

5)Mencabut rambut beruban tidak menyebabkan ianya menjadi banyak Berlawanan dengan kepercayaan umum, mencabut rambut beruban tidak akan membuat lebih banyak rambut beruban yang tumbuh menggantikannya. Yang biasanya terjadi adalah rambut anda sudah dalam proses beruban dan ada tunas-tunas baru di sebelah rambut yang dicabut. Setelah rambut beruban dicabut, mereka seperti tumbuh untuk menggantikannya dalam jumlah yang lebih banyak.

 Hehe. Dah baca? Then, that's it. =)

Have a great and wonderful relaxing weekend everyone. 
Much love. XO. 

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Sunset

"The desert was all sand in some stretches and rocky in others. When the caravan was blocked by au boulder it hard to go around it; if there was a large rocky area, they had no make major detour.  If the sand was too fine for the animals hooves, they sought a way where the sand was more  substantial. In some places , the ground was covered with the salt of dried up lakes..

...... If a guide were to fall or die, the camel drivers would draw lots and appoint a new one."

For we are all human, we will never get to fixed with something or/and someone for so long.
Unless faith and belief is instill inside. Growing, made a pure white qalbu.

Flexible yourself. Learn to adapt and innovate.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lovely Day

Hee. :) 

So everything almost done. Yeah. I mean it. Like the assignments done. And only got thesis, presentation and exam to run. 

Yeay, can't wait to finish everything asap, and let myself fly high up to the sky sooner.
Meet the love one. Un famille, mon chat, et cetera.

Last week, despite the hectic-ness and urge to finish my assignments, I have decided to run away from the burdens and have fun with the sister. Since I am quite naturalist person.. here I go having fun karaoke-ing, singing, strolling around the beaches, breath a fresh air, makan-ing etc. etc.
Thanks to everyone, for making my day fine, despite the ignorance of abandoning the assignments.

Praise to Allah, and myself for finally I manage to get everything done.

Keke. Jungle person run out from the trees to look for seas. :P

Beautiful sunset, Subhanallah!

Sabah, always have the best beaches ever. Keke :P (talking in Malaysia context)

Looking for a crab.

Remind me of Cherating, sunrise catching of us.

Lovely day!
So, this is how i spent my public holiday with beneficial activity. Keke. How about you?
Till then, be good and take care everyone.

Much love and be safe.

Words of wisdom:

" A man who learned a lesson will never repeat his wrong deeds of today."
_By anonymous_

Saturday, September 15, 2012


So, here what it's like:

Every time you come back to me
I'm prepared to watch you leave
You can't make your mind though
About me

I'm all black and white inside
Monotonous from left to right
I decorate my house with things you love
Just in case you show up 

 Okay, guess it doesn't make much sense eh?

Then let me show you a ghost of me here":

Then think again;

So you decided to see me 
Out of the blue 
Should I let you come over
You do this all the time
You come and you go like I'm nothing, you know.

Till then , ciao.

Have a great Malaysia Day everyone.


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