
Sunday, April 22, 2012

The Lazy Sunday

Hello everyone.

Hari ini Sunday and ini masa yang paling seronok sekali untuk meng'qada' segala penat lelah selama 6 hari. Keke. [penatlah sangat' :P]

Well, a bit penat I admit, since pada hari Isnin yang lalu, I have quite long journey (lol) and the following day terpaksa pulak berhadapan dengan isu-isu yang tak berapa mau isu; thus perlu prepare emotionally and physically. Poor me.

Apa-apapun, begitulah kehidupan di dunia. Tak boleh komen banyak, since I tak berapa mau suka with the ' Complainers'. :P.
Semoga saya pun dijauhkan daripada skap suka mengeluh-ngeluh ni. Ameen.

To my loyal reader (Q: adakah? :P) : I sudah change my blog layout and update new fonts with new song. Cute or X? Hee. It's a real pleasure to blog; and when u know someone out there setia membaca repekan-repekan real life anda.


Lazy Sunday: I isikan dengan zzz, reading my favorite piece and zzz again. Also, I manage to makan sebungkus coklat yang dibeli pada minggu lepas! Oh wow *rolling eyes*

Anyway, sekarang ni I in mood to menulis in Bahasa since bahasa jiwa bangsa. I know my English is not that-that good, but at least I learn and try. Keke. Also, nanti kalau I ada anak ..(perasan:P) I want her to have fluency in at least 7 languages. Keke. Malangla siapa jadi  my anak.
Sekian sahaja, now let me update a few pics from my Panasonic collection .

image un: the pureness of a little children face. :D
 image deux: A friend yang sengal tapi baik hati. I doakan u bertemu jodoh yang baik-baik. Ameen.:P

 image trois: Life that never exist once again, twice and thrice. So, just enjoy it for whatever reasons.

 image quatre: 'We' are small eater. Loves.


Till then, semoga kita sentiasa hidup apa adanya dengan hati yang tenang, aman and solitude.

Pout toi; semoga anda tidak selalu bosan bersama saya. LMFAO!


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