... But I don't wanna live that way, Reading into every word you say,..""
- Gotye & Kimbra-
Hello everyone. Apa khabar anda semua? Hee. Well, as always may we always in bliss of life with loves and protection from the Almighty. ameen. :)
Did you see the quotation above? It's taken from my current favorite number; Somebody that I Used to Know. Very nice rhythm and song, indeed. Can feel the emotions of 'oh well, now you used to be somebody that I used to know. What do you want?' :P Keke.
I hope it does not sound so cliche or rage or whatever it is. I am sure that as times goes by, we've got matured with the experience and situations and we could just take it and forgive. When we forgive someone, it doesn't solely means that we forgetting whatever HELLS she's/he's done to us, but somehow, it is just the way we want to lead our life POSITIVELY. The more u held revenge towards someone, the more you will get tinier and shrunken. :P Gege.
*I'm not sure if you got what I mean, but I hope you did.*
Talking of life, revenge and forgives, last week I have received bunch of books from my favorite Sg friend; Hen. It's just beyond words for me to express the excitement, happiness and gratefulness to have this. Thanks darling. :X
Hehe. Bajet gembira dapat bungkusan from abroad. Keke. Abroad la sangat kan? :P:P
Yeay! This is most recommended book by 'readfreaks' like me.
I would say a realistic version of Coelho. Indeed I find it's inspiring!
* Dah pegang dah this book at airport shop last time. Keke. saje je being kedekut.*
My Mitch Albom compilations. Gosh, I feel blessed! >.< Thanks darling.
Btw, even I have like thousands box of books, but if I did not read, think,reflect and adapted it in real life situations, it won't bring tokens, except waste of time and energy. Hehe. Did reading requires energy? Err.. for me not really.
Whenever I feel like insomniac and can't sleep so dearly, I will grab whatever around me and read. Luckily, in just a blink of an eye, I shuts.
Anyway,in this post I loved to emphasize some reasons on why we have to cultivate' reading' as a lifestyle.
I think semua pernah dengar this song pasal "membaca'' kan? Hehe. Well, here some reasons on why we have to cultivated from my POV:
1. Dengan membaca, banyak ilmu pengetahuan baru yang kita boleh perolehi. Ye dok? Let's say, we never know that there is place name ASMARA. Tapi lepas baca World Encyclopedia, then we know.
2. Pengetahuan baru bertambah, maka kosa kata = VOCAB juga sudah tentu bertambah. Tak kisahla if we read in Malays, English, Chinese etc.. tapi sure pembacaan yang dilakukan dapat meningkatkan perbendaharaan kata kita. Sebagai contoh; perkataan 'jerayawara' dlm bahasa melayu, anda tahu tak apa maksudnya?
*Check the answer below*:p
3. Setelah pengetahuan baru bertambah, perbendaharaan kata pun melimpah ruah, maka membaca juga membantu kita untuk menghasilkan ayat atau penulisan yang baik dan berkesan. Hee. :) Sebagai contoh, masa nak jawab UPSR essay, mudah saja kita nak sambung-sambung ayat ' Abu - school - saw - money '. Keke. Ataupun, hendak membuat karangan ' Aku sepasang kasut' senang saja nak diolah.
4. Di samping itu, dengan membaca juga dapat membantu kita mencari penyelesaian terhadap sesuatu masalah/ isu yang kadangkala tidak dapat di jumpa jawapannya dengan bertanya. :D Heee. Banyak contoh kan, yang rasanya anda - anda semua boleh fikir- fikirkan.
5. Last but not least, membaca juga merupakan salah satu jenis terapi minda. Yeah, it calls 'Biblioterapi'. Sesiapa yang belajar subjek EDU : Bimbingan dan Kaunseling sure tahu punya. You grab a good books, read, thinks and reflect. Sure, it can help you relaxed, get motivated and inspired.
Errr. comic books yang segala bagai lawak jenaka tu.. mungkin boleh di consider 1% lah ye.
*jerayawara - means roadshow*
Till then, take care and be good everyone.
Lot's of loves.