
Monday, July 30, 2012

My Monday Encouragement;

Hello people. It's Monday morning and it is raining. Gosh!

I just came up to put a little encouragement on my Monday morning, so the week ahead gonna be blissful and full with spirits!

I love the smell of the tar pavement, and the green-green grass after rain. It' is just so re-calling, I would say, that makes my soul feels something; which cannot be describe. What say you?

Well, maybe I should just write down a poem, or lyrics.. or something on 'Scent after the Rain', eh? Hee.. I even haven't start my writing on 'My Invisible Friend'. Hehe.

Mind you, I'm just a BIGGGGGGGG Procrastinator! =.=''

So many things to be done, and there is no little time. After all, I am fully aware that it's just my "attitude of being LAZY'' that make such term of 'little time' happen. Phew.. Couldn't say more. ;)

Till then, be good and take care everyone.

P/S: Je pense de vous. 'I am thinking of you'. Keke.
This is just 'retorik' to make life sounds sweeter. :P

Good day! ameen.:)


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