
Friday, July 13, 2012

Next time you point a Finger, I point you to the MIRROR.

Hello people!

How are you? Happy friday and cherish the day. We never realize how much a day could be meaningful for ones, until it left.

Luckily, it's break for me today since yesterday is Sports Day at school ( am gonna update of this later) and now, we've reward with extra -rest day. Finger crossed , school!

Have you ever heard of 'substitute lover'?
Have heard or not have heard? Gege. If you do, well done. If not let me explain.

Substitute lover on my definition is where you have a friend; basically a male friend where you got close with each other, cherish each other and have fun together while both of you are together . This is just oh sounded like we belong together as Mariah Carey said; but then FRAPPP! you are nothing but less just a substitute lover. You enjoy the moment together; is only when both of you have nothing else 'better' to be with together; thus you can call and-or use your substitute lover to be with you and be happy together.
Err.. it's a win-win situation, BTW.

Whatever you name it; it might sounded like Friends for benefits, wtf watsoever!

And here come to my rational realization that there is no such ' oh so lovely you, after all.
 After all, dwelling in fantasy is just so possessing that even realities could be bit.

 For a stronger remarks; I would rather say that next time you point a finger, I'll point you to the mirror!


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