Hello loves!
How's everything. Happy Sunday for u, and everyone!
Today is 31st July 2011 and this is mean that it
been 7 months we've through the year of 2011 with such bittersweets pace and moment. Everything flies so fast till we don't even get to realize how far the life gives a big impact to our lives.
And tomorrow, InsyaAllah will be the holy months of Ramadhan (Hijr Calendar). Yeay! It's a fasting month and obviously deep inside of me wish that I really could be a good girl, good muslim during this holy period. Not just me, but YOU as well!. =D
Let's top up our 'amal ibadat' and get close to the Almighty.
We are a sinner and let's take this opportunity to at least reduce the bad deeds reciprocation on the judgement day.
Below is the a pictures if what should be eat and not during the fasting month! ahah.
My rules. =D
My rules. =D
Fruits is necessary for the vitamins and provide you with a lots of healthier juices.
Just one month to go, and again me will going back home for Eid-ul -Firt break. yeay!
Beyond words to express the happiness.
Meeting the families, cats, karaoke's and everyone.
Straight after that, will be fly to W.M for sister enrollment.
Gosh, can't wait to see U as well!.
p/s:was excited after check the mailbox and receive sister's offer form.
In short, wishing everyone a salam Ramadhan and happy fasting! Let's practices a good and decent way of life and always be grateful for everything.
Patience is virtue.
Pour toi, For you;
Je T'adore. Merci beaucoup pour l'attention et affection vous m'avez donne tout ce temps. bisou*bisou*
till then, be safe=)