Hee. Hari ni mode tuk uploading a bunches picture of mine dah membuak-buak. Hee. Well, it's been a long time I didn't write something good here, with some pictures included. So, in this chance let me share & crapping on my Practicum Phase II tales. Hee. Dah macam story telling bunyinya!
The School's-
Well, my practicum school is just fine. Simple. Sekolah yang terletak kira-kira 4km from Pekan and sepanjang perjalanan pergi sekolah tu asyik-asyik terjumpa haiwan2 comel yang sedang berjalan-jalan menghirup udara segar. Hee. Very nice & cute and i extremely like it!
You name it - Cows and calf, dogs, cats and horses!
Plus, rumah-rumah di sepanjang jalan ke sekolah tu pun x kurang hebatnya. Cantik n sedap mata memandang dan yang pasti memang aman damai 5 saat. Hee =).
p/s: I didn't got a chance to take the pictures of this ternakan and houses on the way to school. Will uploads in another chances.
The activities-
My practicum school is kinda cool actually. Regardless the naughty students, everything is nice. The teachers, admins, canteen & etc. etc. Hehe. Maybe I haven't got to see the true color yet, but still I'm happy & grateful to be placed in this school. Activity-activity yang diadakan xlah melemahkan jantung, semangat dan iman. yeay!
On the first week dah ada farewell party for our young looking and cool PK1 then in the evening farewell diner at Juta Hotel. Hee^^
Lepas tu, second week, aktiviti perasmian Surau. (Unfortunately, x dapat pergi).
And the third week, aktiviti Santai with the 2011 UPSR students. We went to the recreational park with lots of cats and flowing river there, lepas tu dok ajar anak2 ayam teknik menjawab then the most favorite part; MAKAN! yeay again! We had fun, indeed comparison to other classmate that posted in another school which is full with nerdy activities -meeting; co-curricular activity and so. Hee~. BTW, my practical school didn't organized the co-curricular activity so far. Haha. WTFish!=)
For the fourth week, which is the last day of the first month doing practicum we have two makan2 event which is one for ms Felicity and today; makan again before Fasting Month headed it's way. Teehee^^
On the first week dah ada farewell party for our young looking and cool PK1 then in the evening farewell diner at Juta Hotel. Hee^^
Lepas tu, second week, aktiviti perasmian Surau. (Unfortunately, x dapat pergi).
And the third week, aktiviti Santai with the 2011 UPSR students. We went to the recreational park with lots of cats and flowing river there, lepas tu dok ajar anak2 ayam teknik menjawab then the most favorite part; MAKAN! yeay again! We had fun, indeed comparison to other classmate that posted in another school which is full with nerdy activities -meeting; co-curricular activity and so. Hee~. BTW, my practical school didn't organized the co-curricular activity so far. Haha. WTFish!=)
For the fourth week, which is the last day of the first month doing practicum we have two makan2 event which is one for ms Felicity and today; makan again before Fasting Month headed it's way. Teehee^^
BTW, let's the pictures speaks slighty louder than the words. ^^

Hello!^^ Happiness is the Key to Success !

Happy Birthday, Mr Asri! (the farewell diner)

The senior teachers enjoying their makan. Hee^^
Hello!^^ Happiness is the Key to Success !
Happy Birthday, Mr Asri! (the farewell diner)
The senior teachers enjoying their makan. Hee^^
The teacher tutoring the students to answer their practice UPSR paper.
Me with my 'anak2 ayam'. Hee^^