
Monday, February 28, 2011

The Littlest Thing.

image : sekadar gambar hiasan. :) ^^''


Hi everyone!

Lets give a thought on this quotes first, before we move to another part of my 'random talk'.
--Sometimes the littlest thing in life changes something forever and there will be times when you wish you can go back to how things used to be, but you just can't because things have changed so much.--

Well, that's just an induction set anyway. Sometimes we have to remind ourselves in certain thing in life. Especially the tiniest one. :)
Because, don't you think that from a little tumor, it could grow to a threatening cancer? Which, sooner or later, damages the system in your body, till nothing can save you. Except two things; FATE and GOD.:)

Btw, I'm not intended to be long, since there's nothing much to talk about. Currently I'm really in a peak moment of hectic-ness, since the assignments deadlines are really looming. So, no option. I have to complete them all anyway.

Thanks Allah, I manage to complete one. Another 3 to go!.
Aja-aja Fighting!>''<

[notes]: I need to relieve the stress a bit by writing here.
I miss HOME.

Be safe & take care.
lots of love,

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Some Facts About Hamster

This is 'Hamster'.
notes]: sekadar gambar hiasan.

credit images: GOOGLE

Hello everyone!
--Guten Morgen--

Gambar hiasan yang saya paparkan hari ini ialah ... HAMSTER! Some people called hamster ni, tikus kecil, arnab kecil dan macam2 lagi.

Haiwan comel ini biasanya menjadi pilihan kanak-kanak ataupun orang dewasa untuk dijadikan haiwan peliharaan {pets}. Suka saya ingatkan anda2 semua, yang haiwan peliharaan dan haiwan ternakan ini berbeza ye. So, mind your languages, bebeh!

Btw, di sini ingin saya kongsikan beberapa fakta tentang HAMSTER !:)
Believe it or not, that's the fact.

Source & Credit to :

  • Hamsters got their name from an old German word "hamstern" associated with storing food.
  • Hamsters were discovered in one of world’s oldest inhabited cities, Aleppo (Syria).
  • Domestication of the hamster began in 1930 when a zoologist found one mother and twelve young hamsters in the Syrian Desert (Aleppo, Syria).
  • In the wild, researchers have found as much as 38 pounds of grain stored in a single burrow.
  • In the wild, hamsters dig extensive tunnels beneath the ground - extending as far as three feet in depth.
  • Hamsters are color blind.
  • Hamsters can only see up to six inches in front of them.
  • Hamsters typically have poor eyesight and depth perception.
  • To compensate for their poor sight when in unfamiliar territory, hamsters have scent glands on their flanks (and abdomens in Chinese and dwarf hamsters). A hamster rubs these areas of his body against various objects, and leaves a trail of smells the hamster can follow to return to his home den.
  • Of about 14 distinct species of hamsters, eight are kept as pets.
  • During winter hibernation, the golden hamster's pulse rate drops from about 400 to 4 beats per minute.
  • Hamsters are nocturnal meaning they sleep during the day and are active during the night.
  • Though classified as nocturnal, most hamsters divide their days with periods of sleeping and waking.
  • Food: mainly seeds, grasses, root vegetables, fruits, corn and pulse crops. Common hamster also eats insects, lizards, frogs and small mammals.
Sudah baca? :)
Well, itulah sedikit sebanyak fakta2 yang berguna untuk kita semua berkaitan dengan -hamster2- ini.
Menjaga dan memelihara haiwan peliharaan ini sebenarnya boleh menjadi terapi yang sihat dan menyenangkan buat para manusia.
Cause, I pernah terbaca in magz, stating yang melihat pergerakan ikan di dalam akuarium misalnya, boleh meredakan stress.
Antara lain,pet's ini juga boleh menjadi 'teman' terbaeeeek kita.

Bak kata2 saya untuk hari ini;

"Manusia memang pandai bermuka-muka. Itulah MANUSIA".

Like old saying goes;

"Life is a drama. Act more".

Till then.
love your life.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bawaku Terbang Tinggi, Melewati Si Awan Nan Biru.

As-salam, everyone!:)
How are you, today?

As usual, my deep concern that everyone is in a very good health with such a bright & positive's thought.

Some said;

credit images; GOOGLE images.:)

Don't pass any chance to go someplace nice, near or far.
Well, I would love to thanking AIR ASIA btw, for making every dreams come true. With such great deals for a trip starting from 29th September 2011 till 29the February 2012, I'm sure everyone will feel like heaven.
2 hearts goes one.wink*~*


Okay, I'm done with those travel--vacation thingies. Now, let me do a little self monologue here. (Let me speak in bahasa, anyway).:)

Seperti yang anda2 semua tahu, hidup is all about ...? hehe.
Sendiri mau jawabla kan. Some ppl said about money la, about challenges la, about karma la and etc.etc. Well, of course, I admit. Life can be anything! Dan siapa yang bertanggungjawab untuk mencoraknya, ask yourself. Bak kata pepatah Melayu, "tepuk dada, tanya selera", kan?
Oleh itu, bercakap tentang mencorak-corak ini, sejauh manakah corak kehidupan yang kita lakarkan dalam perjalanan hidup kita ini, memberi kepuasan kepada kita semua?

Jauh ke, x jauh ke, cantik, or vice versa, sendiri mau fikirlahkan.
Memang betul, sudah menjadi sifat manusia, x pernah berpuas hati terhadap sesuatu.
Sikit-sikit, ada saja mau diprotes, di bantah, dimogok, di komen, di rusuh & yang sewaktu dengannya lah.
Hmm... tapi apa salahnya, kalau kita cuba untuk menghargai dan bersyukur?
Bukankah lebih manis tu? Dan yang pasti, lahiriah menghargai dan bersyukur ini datang dengan pakej keredhaan juga.
Let's say, kalau ada satu benda yang kita sangaaaaaaaaaaaaat sayang hilang, [sengaja letak 'a' panjang, biar emphasize sikit..hehe^^'] ataupun rosak or somehow memang dah x boleh guna lagi dah. What will you do? Adakah kita perlu menangis-nangis [mcm bebudak laki mintak robot canggih] untuk mendapatkan semula benda tersebut?
Or else, contohlah jika kita kehilangan orang yang kita sangat sayangi, seperti ahli keluarga misalnya, memanglah super-duper sedih kan?
Saya pasti, kadang2 serasanya sukar untuk menerima hakikat-hakikat things macam tu.

Namun mahu atau tidak, kita harus juga menerima HAKIKAT yang telah ditentukan tersebut.
Dalam erti kata lain REDHA. Kan salah satu tonggak dalam Rukun IMAN kita pun ada menyatakan tentang --Beriman kepada Qada' & Qadar--.
Jadi, apa juga keadaan pun, belajarlah untuk meredhai. Walau pahit, sakit, perit macam manapun, belajar untuk menerima. [Banyak juga konteks2 dalam Hubungan Etnik yang menekankan prinsip penerimaan ni] hehe^^'

Baiklah, nampaknya, saya 'terlebih sudah' bermonolog dalaman ini. Walaupun sebenarnya niat asal mengemaskini blog hari ini adalah untuk berbicara tentang; ''How To Lead A Healthy Life". hehe. Ini semua akan saya cuba omongkan dalam next episode.
Serba sedikit tentang cara hidup yang sihat ini :- semuanya bermula dari dalaman kita. Inner side. Kalau inner side kita suci, murnih dan bersih ...hehe InshaAllah, it glows outside. xyah susah payah mau tempek mekap tebal2, kalau dah sistem tubuh badan kita ni sihat, dapat nutrien secukupnya, InshaAllah semuanya akan selamat.

Sekian saja!

[notakaki]: terlalu banyak benda yang perlu perhatian segera*.
hehe. aja-aja Fighting!'' [mode: sleepy..zzz~]

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Ms. Bright Sides.

Hi, Good Morning!


--unready face!--wink*--

A bright Saturday morning. I woke up with a bright smile in the face, reciting Alhamdulillah, thanking God for giving me a chance to complete another day of life in this non-immortal world.

Well as life goes on, I'm sure no matter what condition we are, we have to- should to- must to; go through them be it good or bad. Life offers challenging, experiences & lessons that somehow make us alive. Presumably, you could taste it bitter today, but who knows tomorrow gonna be a sweetest time of your life? Thus, never lose hope and don't stop believing. People might say you're such a lame for being a Day-Dreamer, but who cares? As long as you passionate to go after your dreams!

And btw, living a life with a dreams is just like a growing seeds on the ground. You have to fertilize them, watering them to make it grows perfectly. Thus, one point to make your dreams grow alive & true is by put such POSITIVE's thoughts in whatever you doing. Don't you think so? I have read somewhere, that everything in our life's has it'' bad & positives aura's. It's all up to you; yourself.
Life is an optional. You choose the bad sides; then there you go with all ''Negativit-ies''.
and Vice Versa.

At some point of our life, we really wanted to be all-llll those good, positives side. We wanna be succeed, happier and happiest. Unfortunately, here the catastrophic came! Burn our dreams, tear our passion that somehow, make us half alive, with such a blurry eyes.

Well, no worries!
Here I'm gonna share some POSITIVE's thoughts written by Ms Kim Kardashian (auuww!) that I have found through

credit images;

How to stay positive & live your dreams! by Kim Kardashian on February 16, 2011

Hey dolls! I’m so happy to take some time to write some thoughts I have about success, love and positive thinking on!

In this business there’s a lot of hype, glam and superficiality that can really get the best of you. On top of that, in today’s world there is so much negativity that it can be really hard to stay positive and focused on your dream. But none of the surface stuff or negativity matters; the only thing that matters is believing in yourself – no matter what.

Here are some tips on how to be successful and stay positive!

Number 1 - Love your haters!
The more you shine, the more people will want to keep you down. Don’t let them! Celebrate that people are watching you, even if they aren’t loving what you’re doing. Haters are a part of success and help you believe in yourself ! If you believe the haters more than yourself, they’ve won. Don’t let the haters win; let them push you to believe in YOU even more!

Number 2 - Work hard!Nothing is more important than hard work! Life doesn’t give you success; you have to go out there and make it happen. Your dreams are totally doable but hard work is how they come true!

Number 3 - Stay positive! There’s enough hate and negativity out there to drive anyone crazy! But that doesn’t mean it has to drive you crazy! No matter what happens, keep a positive mindset! Positive thinking and working hard make those dreams come true, dolls

Number 4 - Build a great team! There is no way I could do what I do without an amazing team. Don’t try to do everything yourself. It’s SOOO important to know what you’re good at and then be really good at it. Find people who are good at the stuff you’re not so good at and empower them to shine! It takes team work to make the dream work!

Number 5 - Know your worth! There’s no way you’ll be able to live your dream if you don’t feel worthy. You are so special and when you know this you can really make some magic happen in your life. I hope some of these tips inspire you to live your dreams! Believe in your dreams, dolls!


What a nice tips from Miss Kim K, doesn't it?
Well, regardless all those bad influences whatsoever, let's us built a merrier & positives life in our own way. Just like miss Kim K says; Love our HATERS! haha:)).lolx.

Because I'm worth it!.
xoxo <3>

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

And The Winner Goes To...

...And the winner goes to ...
Lady Antebellum!~

Bon Jour tout le monde!~

As usual, every year there will be held Grammy Awards in America to recognize outstanding achievements in music industry. Well, since this glamorous awards is to recognizing a talented artist, singer in the Hollywood music industries, of course it was held in United States, rite? :)

According to Wikipedia , A Grammy Award (originally called Gramophone Award) — or Grammy — is an accolade by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences of the United States to recognize outstanding achievement in the music industry. The annual awards ceremony features performances by prominent artists, and some of the awards of more popular interest are presented in a widely viewed televised ceremony. It is the music equivalent to the Emmy Awards for television, the Tony Awards for stage, and the Academy Awards for film.

Well, since I'm one of the fan in this music industries, I do following what's up and down with the artists, their life's fashions, etc.etc. Apart than POP, Jazz, R&B and soul & rock alternative singers, I utterly adore the musics of COUNTRY. Let you mention the name; Faith Hill, Tim Mc Graw, Shania Twain, or Taylor Swift?
I do listen to all of them.
But not to forget; LADY ANTEBELLUM! :)

I'm deeply in love with this group since the very first time i heard a song 'I Run To You' in the radio at 2008.
Need You Now? -- my forever heartbeat!


And btw, for the year of 2011 it seems a big year for Lady A, since they grab all 5 trophies in this prosperous Awards. Here is the full list of Grammy Awards Winner's.

1. Album of the year – Arcade Fire, The Suburbs
2. Record of the year – Lady Antebellum, Need You Now
3. Song of the year – Need You Now (Lady Antebellum, performers)
4. Best new artist – Esperanza Spalding
5. Best female pop vocal performance – Lady Gaga, Bad Romance
6. Best male pop vocal performance – Bruno Mars, Just the Way You Are
7. Best pop vocal album – Lady Gaga, The Fame Monster
8. Best traditional pop vocal album – Michael Buble, Crazy Love
9. Best electronic/dance album – La Roux, La Roux
10. Best solo rock vocal performance – Paul McCartney, Helter Skelter
11. Best hard rock performance – Them Crooked Vultures, New Fang
12. Best metal performance – Iron Maiden, El Dorado
13. Best rock song – Angry World (Neil Young)
14. Best rock album – Muse, The Resistance
15. Best alternative music album – The Black Keys, Brothers
16. Best female R&B vocal performance – Fantasia, Bittersweet
17. Best male R&B vocal performance – Usher, There Goes My Baby
18. Best urban/alternative performance – Cee Lo Green, F*** You
19. Best R&B song – Shine (John Legend and the Roots)
20. Best contemporary R&B album – Usher, Raymond v Raymond
21. Best rap solo performance – Eminem, Not Afraid
22. Best rap song – Empire State of Mind (Jay–Z and Alicia Keys, performers)
23. Best rap album– Eminem, Recovery
24. Best female country vocal performance – Miranda Lambert, The House That Built Me
25. Best male country vocal performance – Keith Urban, Til Summer Comes Around
26. Best country song – Need You Now (Lady Antebellum, performers)
27. Best country album– Lady Antebellum, Need You Now
28. Best contemporary jazz album – The Stanley Clarke Band, The Stanley Clarke Band
29. Best Americana album – Mavis Staples, You Are Not Alone
30. Best contemporary blues album – Buddy Guy, Living Proof
31. Best contemporary folk album – Ray LaMontagne and the Prairie Dogs, God Willin' & the Creek Don't Rise
32. Best classical album: Verdi: Requiem (Ildar Abdrazakov, Olga Borodina, Barbara Frittoli & Mario Zeffiri; Chicago Symphony Orchestra; Chicago Symphony Chorus)
33. Best Dance Recording: Only Girl (In The World), Rihanna
34. Best Country Performance by a duo or group - Lady Antebellum (Need You Now)

Source: 2011 winners.

There yeah! Could you see how much Lady Antebellum has grab this luckiest moment of their career? Congratulations, Lady A! xoxo
When will you guys come to Malaysia? (wink*)
I'll make sure I'll be there.

Another news on Lady A winning moments, here.

Lots of love,

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

An Apple A Day, Keeps the Doctor Away!

"An apple a day, keeps the doctor away".

hello people. Bon Jour!
Let's make the day brights with such positives thoughts.

Well, we often heard this quotes either back in to the old times - school or else, in TV, magz etc.Why does they used the words 'apple' there? Not a watermelon, rambutan or nangka? Hehe.
I'm not sure the exact answer anyway. Just perhaps in terms of sentence structure plus the benefits of apple --itself.

Let me share some info's on the benefits of an Apple.
p/s: this one is not an 'Apple' that i'm talking about ey. hehe. This is the logo of .APPLE.

What's New and Beneficial About Apples

  • The phytonutrients in apples can help you regulate your blood sugar. Recent research has shown that apple polyphenols can help prevent spikes in blood sugar through a variety of mechanisms. Flavonoids like quercetin found in apples can inhibit enzymes like alpha-amylase and alpha-glucosidase. Since these enzymes are involved in the breakdown of complex carbohydrates into simple sugars, your blood sugar has fewer simple sugars to deal with when these enzymes are inhibited. In addition, the polyphenols in apple have been shown to lessen absorption of glucose from the digestive tract; to stimulate the beta cells of the pancreas to secrete insulin; and to increase uptake of glucose from the blood via stimulation of insulin receptors. All of these mechanisms triggered by apple polyphenols can make it easier for you to regulate your blood sugar.
  • Even though apple is not an excellent source of dietary fiber (it ranks as a "good" source in our WHFoods Rating System), the fiber found in apple may combine with other apple nutrients to provide you with the kind of health benefits you would ordinarily only associate with much higher amounts of dietary fiber. These health benefits are particularly important in prevention of heart disease through healthy regulation of blood fat levels. Recent research has shown that intake of apples in their whole food form can significantly lower many of our blood fats. The fat-lowering effects of apple have traditionally been associated with its soluble fiber content, and in particular, with its fat-soluble fiber called pectin. What we now know, however, is that whole apples only contain approximately 2-3 grams of fiber per 3.5 ounces, and that pectin accounts for less than 50% of this total fiber. Nevertheless, this relatively modest amount of pectin found in whole apples has now been shown to interact with other apple phytonutrients to give us the kind of blood fat lowering effects that would typically be associated with much higher amounts of soluble fiber intake. In recent comparisons with laboratory animals, the blood fat lowering effects of whole apple were shown to be greatly reduced when whole apples were eliminated from the diet and replaced by pectin alone. In summary, it's not fiber alone that explains the cardiovascular benefits of apple, but the interaction of fiber with other phytonutrients in this wonderful fruit. If you want the full cardiovascular benefits of apples, it's the whole food form that you'll want to choose. Only this form can provide you with those unique fiber-plus-phytonutrient combinations.
  • The whole food form of apples is also important if you want full satisfaction from eating them. Researchers have recently compared intake of whole apples to intake of applesauce and apple juice, only to discover that people report less hunger (and better satiety, or food satisfaction) after eating whole apples than after eating applesauce or drinking apple juice. But especially interesting was an additional finding about calorie intake following apple consumption. When healthy adults consumed one medium-sized apple approximately 15 minutes before a meal, their caloric intake at that meal decreased by an average of 15%. Since meals in this study averaged 1,240 calories, a reduction of 15% meant a reduction of 186 calories, or about 60 more calories than contained in a medium apple. For these researchers, "getting ahead" in calories with a net reduction of 60 calories was a welcomed outcome of the study, and an extra benefit to their study's primary conclusion-the importance of whole apples (versus other more processed apple forms) in helping us manage our hunger and feeling more satisfied with our food.
  • Scientists have recently shown that important health benefits of apples may stem from their impact on bacteria in the digestive tract. In studies on laboratory animals, intake of apples is now known to significantly alter amounts of two bacteria (Clostridiales and Bacteriodes) in the large intestine. As a result of these bacterial changes, metabolism in the large intestine is also changed, and many of these changes appear to provide health benefits. For example, due to bacterial changes in the large intestine, there appears to be more fuel available to the large intestine cells (in the form of butyric acid) after apple is consumed. We expect to see future studies confirming these results in humans, and we are excited to think about potential health benefits of apple that will be related to its impact on bacterial balance in our digestive tract.

Well, all in all I would like to sum up the facts about 'apple' is so far so good and beneficial for everyone healths either directly or vice versa.
Thus, do take an apple a day to enhance our body system plus to control the sugar in blood regulation as well.

Be safe.Be health.

[footnotes]: I am wondering actually why I do post on apples issue this time. Seems like I was posted up this kind of issue before.

--Credit Images to : Google Images.--


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