notes]: sekadar gambar hiasan.
credit images: GOOGLE
Hello everyone!
--Guten Morgen--
Gambar hiasan yang saya paparkan hari ini ialah ... HAMSTER! Some people called hamster ni, tikus kecil, arnab kecil dan macam2 lagi.
Haiwan comel ini biasanya menjadi pilihan kanak-kanak ataupun orang dewasa untuk dijadikan haiwan peliharaan {pets}. Suka saya ingatkan anda2 semua, yang haiwan peliharaan dan haiwan ternakan ini berbeza ye. So, mind your languages, bebeh!
Btw, di sini ingin saya kongsikan beberapa fakta tentang HAMSTER !:)
Believe it or not, that's the fact.
Source & Credit to :http://www.hamsterbungalow.com/hamster-facts.html
- Hamsters got their name from an old German word "hamstern" associated with storing food.
- Hamsters were discovered in one of world’s oldest inhabited cities, Aleppo (Syria).
- Domestication of the hamster began in 1930 when a zoologist found one mother and twelve young hamsters in the Syrian Desert (Aleppo, Syria).
- In the wild, researchers have found as much as 38 pounds of grain stored in a single burrow.
- In the wild, hamsters dig extensive tunnels beneath the ground - extending as far as three feet in depth.
- Hamsters are color blind.
- Hamsters can only see up to six inches in front of them.
- Hamsters typically have poor eyesight and depth perception.
- To compensate for their poor sight when in unfamiliar territory, hamsters have scent glands on their flanks (and abdomens in Chinese and dwarf hamsters). A hamster rubs these areas of his body against various objects, and leaves a trail of smells the hamster can follow to return to his home den.
- Of about 14 distinct species of hamsters, eight are kept as pets.
- During winter hibernation, the golden hamster's pulse rate drops from about 400 to 4 beats per minute.
- Hamsters are nocturnal meaning they sleep during the day and are active during the night.
- Though classified as nocturnal, most hamsters divide their days with periods of sleeping and waking.
- Food: mainly seeds, grasses, root vegetables, fruits, corn and pulse crops. Common hamster also eats insects, lizards, frogs and small mammals.
Sudah baca? :)
Well, itulah sedikit sebanyak fakta2 yang berguna untuk kita semua berkaitan dengan -hamster2- ini.
Menjaga dan memelihara haiwan peliharaan ini sebenarnya boleh menjadi terapi yang sihat dan menyenangkan buat para manusia.
Cause, I pernah terbaca in magz, stating yang melihat pergerakan ikan di dalam akuarium misalnya, boleh meredakan stress.
Antara lain,pet's ini juga boleh menjadi 'teman' terbaeeeek kita.
Bak kata2 saya untuk hari ini;
"Manusia memang pandai bermuka-muka. Itulah MANUSIA".
Like old saying goes;
"Life is a drama. Act more".
Till then.
love your life.