
Sunday, September 9, 2012

never find :Someone Like You - Pour toi

credit to Facebook. com with sort of page for inspiration et cetera.

Dear you,

I'm sorry if I am ignorance for neglecting you at times you think of me,
I'm sorry if the words I speak might hurt and rude to you,
I'm sorry if the conversations always turn bad when you were happy,
I'm sorry if you did feel insecure with me,
I'm sorry if you feel that I treat you like nothing,
I'm sorry if I bullied you more than you did to me,

and most of all,

I'm sorry for keep say sorry when the fact is I know I did offend you.
I'm sorry.

Hehe. Cheers yeah.
You know that  nevermind  I will NEVER find someone like  you....uuuuu.


Note: To whom it may concern.
 J'adore, XO.


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