
Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Just a sharing. :)

Today, it's gonna be a simple yet meaningful sharing.

Originally taken from here.Amalan Bersedekah Membawa Keberkatan

SETIAP manusia sudah dijamin rezekinya oleh Allah. Ia tidak hanya dikatakan sebagai wang ringgit tetapi pengertiannya amat luas sekali merangkumi kesihatan yang baik, ketenteraman jiwa, keturunan, isteri dan anak yang baik.
Ada yang runsing dan sering mempertikaikan masalah rezeki yang dimiliki. Mereka merungut kerana sudah bertungkus-lumus mencari rezeki namun kehidupan masih tidak berubah.
Sebagai hamba Allah yang beriman, anggaplah semua itu dugaan serta cabaran untuk menjadikan diri lebih kuat dan cekal berusaha.

Teruskan berusaha kerana setiap kejayaan pastinya memerlukan kerja keras tanpa berputus asa melaksanakannya.
Bersikap reda dan bertawakal supaya Allah memberkati segala yang kita lakukan. Sesungguhnya Allah Maha Pemberi dan Pemurah atas rezeki untuk hamba-Nya.
Semua yang berlaku atas izin-Nya. Ketika seorang hamba berprasangka buruk kepada Allah, maka keburukanlah yang diterima.
Jika mereka bertawakal kepada Allah maka Allah pasti mencukupkan keperluannya. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
“Barang siapa yang me nyerahkan diri kepada Allah, maka Allah akan mencukupkannya (memelihara). Sesung guhnya Allah menyampaikan urusan-Nya. Sesungguhnya Allah mengadakan qadar (takdir) bagi setiap sesuatu.” (Surah at-Taalaq ayat 3).
Namun tahukah kita sikap memberi atau bersedekah mempunyai kelebihan dalam urusan pencarian harta. Malah ia membuka pintu rezeki lebih luas kepada mereka yang melakukannya.
Amalan bersedekah penyubur kebaikan serta melipat gandakan rezeki sese orang hamba. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
“Perumpamaan orang-orang yang menafkahkan hartanya pada jalan Allah, seperti sebutir benih yang tumbuh menjadi tujuh tangkai, pada tiap tangkai ada seratus biji, dan Allah melipat gandakan bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Allah Maha Luas (kurniaan-Nya) lagi Maha Mengetahui.” (Surah Al-Baqarah ayat 261).
Tidakkah kita merasa tertarik dengan janji Allah berikan itu? Tidak dinafikan, semua orang mahu hidup senang; mempu nyai rumah yang luas dan selesa, berkereta mewah, memakai pakaian cantik dan bercuti ke luar negara .
Namun dalam erti kata sebenar, kehidupan kita tidak berstatus kerana ada kalanya kita berada di atas dan begitulah sebaliknya. Tujuan kita hidup bukan untuk memenuhi nafsu tetapi kita perlu melihat kekurangan dan kesengsaraan orang lain.
Jika Allah ‘memberi’ pinjaman kekayaan kepada kita maka gunakan kesempatan itu untuk melihat segala yang berlaku di sekeliling. Sebenarnya masih ada lagi yang memerlukan perhatian dan bantuan.
Justeru jalankan amanah kekayaan yang Allah kurniakan itu bagi membantu golongan memerlukan. Dalam rezeki Allah itu terdapat hak orang lain yang perlu dimanfaatkan.
Bersifat individualistik melambangkan seorang itu tidak berhati perut, sukar didekati dan orang ramai tidak menghormatinya. Walaupun memberi dalam kuantiti sedikit tetapi sedikit itulah keberkatannya.
Alangkah baik jika pendekatan mencari rezeki sambil menyumbang diterapkan dalam diri kita. Sabda Rasulullah:
“Tidaklah harta itu berkurang disebabkan oleh sedekah.” (Riwayat Muslim).
Beri setakat mana termampu dulu kerana sumbangan sekecil itu menjadi pembersih harta kita. Sedekah orang yang kurang hartanya lebih besar ganjarannya.
Rasulullah bersabda:
“Sedekah yang paling utama adalah menggembirakan fakir dan dikeluarkan dalam keadaan sedikit harta. (Riwayat Ahmad).
Allah berfirman:
“Orang-orang yang menaf kahkan hartanya di jalan Allah, kemudian mereka tidak mengiringi apa yang dinafkahkannya itu dengan menyebut pemberiannya dan dengan tidak me nyakiti (perasaan si penerima), mereka memperoleh pahala di sisi Tuhan mereka. Tidak ada kekhuatiran terhadap mereka dan tidak (pula) mereka bersedih hati.” (Surah al-Baqarah ayat 262).
Apabila bersedekah, kita mesti iringi dengan perasaan gembira dan tidak boleh menyesal. Jika tidak mampu menyumbang harta, setidak-tidaknya berusaha menyumbang tenaga dan fikiran bagi mengajak orang sekeliling melakukan kebaikan.
Rasulullah berbual dengan sahabat, maksudnya:
“Pada setiap Muslim tuntutan untuk bersedekah”, sahabat berkata: Bagaimana jika tidak mampu? Nabi menjawab: “Berusahalah dengan kedua tanganmu untuk hasilkan perkara bermanfaat dan bersedekahlah.
Sahabat bertanya: Bagaimana jika masih tidak mampu? Nabi menjawab: “Carilah orang yang sangat memerlukan bantuan (dan bantulah sama ada dengan tenaga atau ditunjukkan kepada yang mampu).
Sahabat bertanya: Bagaimana jika masih tidak mampu? Nabi menjawab: “Ajaklah orang lakukan perkara kebaikan dan larang mereka dari kemungkaran.
Sahabat bertanya lagi: Bagaimana jika masih tidak mampu? Nabi menjawab: “Janganlah kamu lakukan perbuatan buruk, ia juga satu sedekah (Riwayat Al-Bukhari dan Muslim).
Seelok-eloknya, galakkan diri bersedekah kepada ahli keluarga yang miskin dan memerlukan sebelum melaksanakannya kepada orang lain.
Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud:
“Sedekah kepada orang miskin mendapat satu pahala, namun apabila diberi kepada yang punyai pertalian (kerabat), dua pahala iaitu satu sedekah dan satu lagi adalah merapatkan hubungan.” (Riwayat At-Tirmidzi).
Bersedekah boleh meringan kan bebanan orang lain dan menyelamatkan kita daripada api neraka. Rasulullah bersabda:
“Sedekah itu menghapuskan kesalahan seperti air memadamkan api.” (Hadis Riwayat At Tirmidzi).
Justeru, beberapa perkara perlu diambil perhatian demi kesempurnaan amalan sedekah antaranya barang yang disedekahkan mestilah baik. Tidak wajar sama sekali barang yang disedekahkan itu kita sendiri tidak tergamak menggunakannya.
Allah melarang bersedekah dengan benda yang tidak baik kerana bersedekah adalah ibadat dan tanda mensyukuri nikmat Allah.
Kemudian sesuatu yang disedekahkan mesti halal.
Sunat jika bersedekah dengan benda atau barang yang disukai dan disayangi tidak kira ia banyak atau sedikit. Allah berfirman yang bermaksud:
“Kamu tidak sekali-kali akan dapat mencapai hakikat kebajikan dan kebaktian yang sempurna sebelum kamu dermakan sebahagian daripada apa yang kamu sayangi. Dan apa jua yang kamu dermakan maka sesungguhnya Allah Maha Mengetahuinya.” (Surah Ali-Imran ayat 92).
Jangan sesekali bersedekah kemudian mengungkit, merungut dan menyakiti hati orang yang menerima kerana perbuatan itu haram serta merosakkan amalan sedekah.
Pegawai Pengurusan Dakwah Munirah Care, Muhammad Khusairi Abdullah, berkata galakan kepada umat Islam bersedekah perlu supaya umat Islam terbela.
“Sedekah yang diberikan secara sembunyi lebih afdal. Perbuatan ini lebih dekat kepada keikhlasan kerana menjauhkan diri daripada riak hingga merosakkan amalan.
“Penumpuan perlu diberikan kepada lapan golongan asnaf yang layak menerima zakat. Mereka terdiri daripada golongan fakir, miskin, amil, muallaf, riqab (hamba yang menebus dirinya secara ansuran), al-gharimin (orang yang menanggung hutang dan tidak mampu menyelesaikannya), fisabilillah (berjuang di jalan Allah) serta ibnu sabil (musafir yang terputus bekalannya di perantauan).
“Setiap kali bersedekah pastikan niat kita ikhlas kerana Allah. Jika kita menderma hanya sekadar untuk mendapat pujian, nama atau pangkat ia tidak memberi sebarang makna,” katanya.
Beliau berkata, sedekah membuatkan seorang Muslim mendapat pelbagai nikmat dan kesan kehebatan sedekah itu dapat dirasai ketika berada di dunia lagi.
“Orang yang istiqamah bersedekah atau berinfak hartanya mudah menerima ilmu Allah, terhindar daripada penyakit, jiwa sentiasa tenteram dan menghapuskan sifat bakhil yang bersarang dalam diri.
“Tidak kira siapa kita sama ada kaya atau kurang hartanya mesti berusaha dan bersedia untuk bersedekah. Umpamanya jika kita mempunyai wang RM10 tidak mengapa jika bersedekah sebanyak RM1 kerana yang penting keikhlasan itu mendapat nilaian istimewa daripada Allah,” katanya.
Beliau berkata ganjaran kepada mereka yang bersedekah cukup besar kerana apa saja yang mereka infak itu pahala terus diterima secara berkekalan.
“Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud: “Apabila mati anak Adam maka terputuslah amalannya kecuali tiga, sedekah jariah, ilmu yang bermanfaat dan anak yang soleh yang mendoakannya untuknya.”
“Dari hadis berkenaan membuka peluang untuk kita mendapatkan bekalan sebelum mata tutup buat selamanya. Jika kita sedekahkan al-Quran atau sejadah untuk kegunaan jemaah di masjid, selagi mana ia digunakan maka pahala tetap sampai kepada kita. Begitu juga apabila memberi makan, minum dan pakaian kepada anak yatim maka sudah tentu ganjarannya cukup besar,” katanya.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Oh Sunday!

Salut tout le monde! Comment- allez vous? T'as le repas?

Hehe. If haven't, go go take!

I remember one of my classmate (as well as practicum friends ) saying this in out of sudden;
" I shouldn't skip my breakfast!"

Wtfisssssssshh! Haha. It is so damn funny btw, since she say it in out of sudden. :P
Well, that is absolutely true remarks.

Breakfast is essential. Kalau kita dok skip-skip breakfast, that will increase our tendency untuk makan banyak time lunch, then fall asleep~~zzz.. and again makan segala unncesary snacks!.

*gosh! Sounds so like me!*

Btw, today post am not going to whine long or post more aand more pictures, as there is something 'GOOD' waiting ahead of me. [assignments mode yo!]

Here is picture I browse from somewhere and find it lame but oh, so TRUE!


Till then, mucho liebe and take care everyone!

Image un: Oh-so-TRUE! Kekek ;p

You know i love you,

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

You'll be safe here.

ATTENTION: Dearest reader, Pls listen to Tim Mc Graw by Ms Swift, as you reading this!
Merci! Danke!

Hi everyone!

How have you been so far? Yes, I've been silence but no worries I am safe and sound. :P
It was a hectic days and weeks for me previously, which I have endless works to do. Yet, still I do now. But for neglecting my lovely blog *wink*, it's a sin right?


Life has been caught me up and down lately. I guess so does you, yeah!
Not to mention the endless work to do, and yet I've been cheated by my client (Keke) which I have done the assignments for them, and heaven yeah.. they ran ran away. Just like an old b**tch; or I prefer say, collagen-less HORSES. Keke. :P
But I am very sure, sooner or later, everyone will got their reciprocation right. Well, itu janji tuhan. Tak payah mau persoalkan lagi. Either in duniya or hereafter.
This is peringatan untuk diri sendiri juga ye.

Okay, btw: Maafkan saya for using such a BAHASA ROJAK here.
My apology for using mixed languages here.

Tak payahla beriya sangat kan? Keke.:P
Best tak jadi cantik?


Tak perlulah kan saya cakap ' I look stupid when I speaks Malay'..kan? Hihi. Well, lovely Amani, I got what you mean. And am sure the rest of Malaysian who understand the language of English understand what you mean. Just... as you know, it's a rare earth if something*interesting* not to be blast!

Also, praise to Allah, since I have completed my minor subject observation, and luckily my generous - intelligent observer kindly give me quite satisfying assessment. Love Ya Mr. Agus! May GBU ^^

Anyway, to make thing short, let me post few pictures taken by me which is consist of my previous get-along meet up with la famille, the beautiful scenery of Keningau Valley, as well as the very-very precious gift from SISTER INTAN (<3's). She has gave me a box of my favorite Inner shine - Prune essence for my daily consumption. That's very generous of you sis! Inshaallah I'll give you something in return, someday. :D

Anyway, enjoy!

Perdana Park, KK Sabah.

A lovely lights, as bright as my heart with die liebe-liebe* ma famille.

The sephia illusion. Hihi:O


Darling said; Sabah sun is always cantik. Keke:P
I tak tahulah betul ka tak, since as far as I concern, SUN itu satu.
Hihi, but infact still Sabah nature is always 'the nicest'!

Thanks Kak Intannnnn! Boleh XOXO kan?
Hugs n GBU.
Tis is my favorite . Inside- Out.

Eheh. :P, Finally yeah. Annyeong hae sae yo, pls!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Keep Humble, Be simple.

Image source:

They said,
once you're on top it's hard to get down. But beware everyone! You might just fall in a blink of second.


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Let's Rolling In a Deep! yeay^^

Hello everyone!

Good morning and have a good-blessed day yeah. :)
I think I shouldn't have to mention how much time flies insanely fast, till sometimes we feel like out of breath already.

I'm just dropping by to let you know that I have changed into

for some time of moment.

This could be momentarily, or forever (am not sure about that) till stated.

I love how life treat me so nicely lately; knowingly there's something missing or perhaps broken pieces in me.

Be good and take care everyone.

Inspiration from Heart*

** Inspiration from the Heart **

"When feelings flood, it is usually because you have built them up—picture a vast reservoir of feeling that has been dammed up inside of you, and, at some point, the dam breaks. Woe to anyone in the path of the powerful floodwaters of your unchecked feelings. You can choose to harness this energy and direct it toward a flow of feeling, which washes everything clean, rather than a flood bent on destruction."

-Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks-

p/s: Currently listening to Bob Marley track ' No Women No Cry'


Sunday, March 4, 2012

Of Fairy Tale, Twisting and Manipulating;

You know you love me, X.O.X.O.

Have you ever dream living a life in a fairy tale, marrying a prince, living a life wonderfully of being a princess?

Hee. I did! In a nightmare dreams. Keke.

Gossip girl has always been my favorite TV show above all. It's just the culmination of upper east side's living of twisted, manipulating, cheating, drama and so much more. All in one. Even though it's a oh-so-impossible thing for me to feel and experience, at least enjoying how it goes satisfying enough, eh?

Speaking of which, below is some picture that I manage to capture from my movie player; as I think the scene has significant meaning to another. Anyway enjoy, everyone!.

Can't wait for the next episode to be air [oh-yeay!]

/flash lights, camera's and everyone is just so wonderful. No one ever knows the truth behind the beautiful smile /

/the runaway bride/

/ at times when we have choose a wrong path, nothing is important anymore /

/beware of your friend girls. Your best friend could be your 'best' enemy/

/ Not being with you, doesn't mean I don't love you. I just need to move on /

/ Life is a drama. Act well /

I was thinking and feel not so right lately. Like there is something missing inside. Feel like wanna push everyone away from my life. Indeed, simply just push them away. Today, a friend of mine has gave me a new lesson in life, which I do realize the oh-so-wrong about it, but not the consequences of it.

Many thanks to Teacher H for always be there and listen to me.

Till then,
Gute Nacht everyone.
May tomorrow gonna be a brand new good day to us.

Friday, March 2, 2012

Of Worriness and Well Said Sharing;

Hi everyone! Happy Friday:)

I was browsing the net when it happened me jump into the articles post on Tun M Facebook page - Minimum Pay. I know that I haven't been in actual world of working life but yet, I could see through the lens of my eye, how hard life is. Struggling for a better life, satisfaction of life and the necessities thing in life. You couldn't agree more, don't ya'? [Hip Hoppers style!]

Well, I admit that these days I'm kinda whining a lot and how difficult dealing with a kids at primary school and being a teacher. It's never been easy thing as what people expected. Whine, whine and whining till a friend of mine [ which has already in a working field for like a thousand year' ] :P, saying that there is never and easy job in this world. Living a life is never easy! Hmm.. at least I should try and have at least, /little patience/ Don't I?

Anyway, this well thought by the legendary Tun Dr M has opened my eyes and thought; at a very least. / Dreaming is such easy things. Realities is tough. /


taken from : Tun Dr M Facebook Page

1. We all would like to see Malaysia become a high-income country. However we must also be concerned about our competitiveness. Increasing incomes must raise the cost of production unless there is a corresponding increase in productivity.

2. But already we are having far too many holidays. To the 52 Sundays, have been added, 52 Saturdays. We now have holidays for the holy days of all religions, however small the followers. We now automatically replace any holiday which falls on Sunday or Saturday with another day of holiday. When we work a lesser number of days our productivity must decrease. So it will not be easy to increase productivity with the increase in minimum wages which will trigger pay increases throughout, so as to maintain the parity between the different grades of the employees. Working during holidays will also cost more. So will contribution to EPF and rates of pensions.

3. Between higher pay and shorter working hours, plus all the other costs, the cost of production of goods and services must increase considerably.

4. Once, during the Government of a previous Prime Minister, a 25% salary increase was given to Government servants. There is no evidence that Government revenue had increased by 25%. The normal increase is about 10%. What this means is that the increase in operation costs due to the 25% salary increases have to be met through reduction of allocation for development. Reducing needed development is not going to be good for a rapidly developing nation.

5. The West today is in great financial trouble with at least one country going bankrupt. The reason is simple. The West has been overpaying their people. High wages and salaries, huge bonuses and numerous costly benefits such as unemployment pay gave the developed West an appearance of prosperity. But their profligate ways is not sustainable.

6. Faced with competition from eastern countries, they lost their markets. For a time they benefitted from the financial markets. But the financial market is about gambling. And as happens with all gamblers, they must lose eventually. And that plunged them into this intractable financial crisis.

7. This is what happens when wages and compensations for work are not accompanied by increases in productivity. I fear Malaysia may be heading this way if we pay more for less work, as we are doing now.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What Inspires You?

Ahora people!

Good morning to you, you and you! It's Thursday, and bless yeah, the first March of 2012. Guess I shouldn't have to mention how grateful I am for still having a chance to living my life, at a very least.

I was wondering that in our daily life, we could face a thousands one complicated situation, things, people and everything. It just happen all the time and its within we and ourselves on how we have a good and balance control in it. Yeah, at times the hectic and out of control pace chasing me, I just feel like run far far away and hide. OxxO''. I am sorry for being so coward. ://

I guess the equilibrium of mind, body and soul is just so vital. Like when they are in one same straight line, you will be fine.

/somewhere over the rainbow/
#Genting, 2011#

Here's the analogy:


OOOOO --- mind
TTTTT-- soul.


I am putting the body in a centre of all since after all, the bodies work based on the cooperation of mind and soul. So, what people usually sees is the action that represent it. Yeah, just like the most repetitious idiom;

'First impression last'.

Our lips can denied it, but the body language never lies. It tells.

Look right into someone eyes to know the truth.

Anyway, just to pop up a question on your mind, folks;

"What are the things that Inspired you?"

I mean yes, like for real! Inspired you in the blue-dark- ohso-gloomy day.

Feel free to
share with us.

Till then, have a good day everyone!

Mucho liebe.

Feel free to visit: kaleidoscopeoflife for more pleasant reading.



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