Today is the anniversary of Hari Keputeraan Rasulullah - the holy and precious prophet Muhammad s.a.w ; the messenger of Allah s.w.t -- the most almighty and merciful.
"malam isnin, subuh yang indah,
12 rabiulawal pagi yang cerah"
-little lyrics that still stick in my mind on song about Rasulullah-
In conjunction with this, there's some kind of event which is the perarakan Maulidur Rasul, ceramah etc been held either in school, district or state level. It is a tradition ; I would say.Thus, even though we are aware, we know and we've been taught on how much sacrifices Rasulullah made in a way of Allah - to spread the syiar Islam, his faithful, courage and loyalty towards Allah (although Muhammad is the 'most loved' person and prophet by Allah s.w.t), how much we put this history as a lesson and guidance in our way of life as a khalifah in this world?
I know it sounds cliche as it is, but somehow, at least we could find a day that we need to do reflection for ourselves -- think, reflect and evaluate on how far or how much have we've been done to gain the redha (bless) of Allah s.w.t.
It's no offense that we are a Nobody and a weaker person, but at least we should try. Don't we?
Hee. Forgive me for my lackness-es , I am human and I made err.
Anyway, to put long story short, let me attach one simple story of Rasulullah that could be our guidance and lesson to complete a life as "someone worth living - now and hereafter". Ameen.
Suatu hari.. Nabi Muhammad SAW bertanya :
"Siapakah hamba Allah yang mulia?"
Sahabat menjawab :
"Para malaikat Ya Rasulullah"
Sahabat yang lain :
"tentulah para nabi, merekalah yang mulia"
Nabi tersenyum lalu berkata :
"Ya, mereka mulia, tetapi ada yang lebih mulia"
Para sahabat terdiam lalu berkata :
"Adakah kami yang mulia itu Ya Rasulullah?"
Nabi menjawab :
"Tentulah kalian mulia, kalian dekat denganku. Tapi bukan kalian yang aku maksudkan."
Nabi menundukkan wajahnya, baginda menitiskan air mata sehingga membasahi pipi dan janggutnya, lalu berkata :
" Wahai sahabatku, mereka adalah manusia-manusia yang lahir jauh setelah wafatnya aku. Mereka terlalu mencintai Allah & tahukah kalian, mereka tidak pernah melihatku. Mereka tidak dekat denganku seperti kalian. Mereka sangat rindu kepadaku dan saksikanlah wahai sahabatku bahawa AKU SANGAT RINDU PADA MEREKA.. MEREKALAH UMMATKU! UMMATI! UMMATI! UMMATI!"
Allahumma sholi'ala saiyidina Muhammad waa'la ali wasahbihi wabaarik wasallim..
May the bless, loved and redha of Allah s.w.t always be with us; along way our effort in finding and practice them.