How are you doing? :) Hee, let's cherish and appreciates the day as we still got the chance of living and breathing in this temporary world.
Yes, I mean it.
I have watch the video on 'What happen when SUN run out of its gases?' Huhu ** Terrifying, one of the sign is the planet closer to it (including earth) will experiences 10 x much more heater than the normal and there it goes, the sun will become small and smaller and crumble into a white pieces like stone. Errr, something like thatla! Hee. If you want the exact details, go check on this issue.
I haven't been crapping and whining much on my life here lately, since I think it's quite too much and *overly emotional* which is even me myself also don't like that sides of me. SOMETIMES.
As we know, when our emotion controls us, it might lead to the irrational thinking and silly action. Doesn't it?
Thus, the best way of living is keep calm and cool, with no much worries; I know life can be so TOUGHER, sometimes.
Also, I have thought of the more we talk, the more we show our weaknesses. But, when we're not talking, interacting and socializing, people we start to questioned and badmouthing us, saying ;
'She's so passive. She's so kera sumbang and so much -ve remarks'.
Gosh! No one loved to be labelled.
Anyway, let them or it be. I believe that this type of people who bother much about others life is such pathetic and offensive in their life. Pity them. It shows that their life is so BORING, till they have to cling up and peek at others life and yeah, channeled it just like CNN.
Also, the first reason of my post in this entry is to talk about how life treat me hectic-ly. Haaa~ :O But somehow, I seems out of topic already. *see the first, 2nd and third paragraph*. Please forgive me. ^^'
Yeah, the business of practicum in school, action research and assignment, I just feel like dying sometimes. Indeed. Woke up early in the morning, rush to shower, preparing self etc's, at times feel just so out of energy. I know, am still young and the energy is there; inside. Heee. But.... *speechless face*
Every weekday began and end with the same routine;
Prepare lesson plan - teaching aids - worksheet - bit of action research - sleep - rise and gloom -
I haven't been crapping and whining much on my life here lately, since I think it's quite too much and *overly emotional* which is even me myself also don't like that sides of me. SOMETIMES.
As we know, when our emotion controls us, it might lead to the irrational thinking and silly action. Doesn't it?
Thus, the best way of living is keep calm and cool, with no much worries; I know life can be so TOUGHER, sometimes.
Also, I have thought of the more we talk, the more we show our weaknesses. But, when we're not talking, interacting and socializing, people we start to questioned and badmouthing us, saying ;
'She's so passive. She's so kera sumbang and so much -ve remarks'.
Gosh! No one loved to be labelled.
Anyway, let them or it be. I believe that this type of people who bother much about others life is such pathetic and offensive in their life. Pity them. It shows that their life is so BORING, till they have to cling up and peek at others life and yeah, channeled it just like CNN.
Also, the first reason of my post in this entry is to talk about how life treat me hectic-ly. Haaa~ :O But somehow, I seems out of topic already. *see the first, 2nd and third paragraph*. Please forgive me. ^^'
Yeah, the business of practicum in school, action research and assignment, I just feel like dying sometimes. Indeed. Woke up early in the morning, rush to shower, preparing self etc's, at times feel just so out of energy. I know, am still young and the energy is there; inside. Heee. But.... *speechless face*
Every weekday began and end with the same routine;
My weekdays cycle
Prepare lesson plan - teaching aids - worksheet - bit of action research - sleep - rise and gloom -
After all, I know this is life la. Why have to question it, I choose it that way, so I'm oh-so-accountable in whatever I do. My decision, my action will change and move anything.
Let's say if I don't like, I should just quit and find and do something else, perhaps?
Anyway, I think should be enough for today.I better stop here before more and more dissatisfaction and whining emerge up here.
It's never a good and sweet things to whine right?
Till then, be safe.
heart*p/s: I need some time and courage to move on from the significant others.
Gut nacht!
After all, I know this is life la. Why have to question it, I choose it that way, so I'm oh-so-accountable in whatever I do. My decision, my action will change and move anything.
Let's say if I don't like, I should just quit and find and do something else, perhaps?
Anyway, I think should be enough for today.I better stop here before more and more dissatisfaction and whining emerge up here.
It's never a good and sweet things to whine right?
Till then, be safe.
heart*p/s: I need some time and courage to move on from the significant others.
Gut nacht!