Hello everyone!
Musta na?:)
Wishing everyone in a very pink of health ( ceh, ayat skema SPM) and productive day ahead!
As today, am sit for the first paper - semester 6 final exam, everything went fine. Alhamdulillah.
I don't want to complaint and nagging much on this, since its a PAST plus, I even not sure with my handwriting. Hopefully, the lecturer's manage to read and understand what I want to convey.
And heaven yeah, another paper to go tomorrow.
I haven't even get ready with it.
And this is thoughts of today. Found the pictures on FACEBOOK post. as always. Heee^^'

I admit that I'm not even in love. keke. But feeling of having someone you fond with, you miss-es always is just so wonderful. It's like riding a roller-coaster. (keke).
I don't even have confidence to ride this last time.
Whatever it is, I just enjoy and cherish all loves and lights guiding my way. After all, we know that we will DIE. sooner or later. And for sure, will back to the ALMIGHTY and face the real eternal Life. GOSH!
Till then, be safe everyone and much of loves.
p/s: can't wait to go back home with beloved parents. plus CAT too!
I haven't even get ready with it.
And this is thoughts of today. Found the pictures on FACEBOOK post. as always. Heee^^'

I admit that I'm not even in love. keke. But feeling of having someone you fond with, you miss-es always is just so wonderful. It's like riding a roller-coaster. (keke).
I don't even have confidence to ride this last time.
Whatever it is, I just enjoy and cherish all loves and lights guiding my way. After all, we know that we will DIE. sooner or later. And for sure, will back to the ALMIGHTY and face the real eternal Life. GOSH!
Till then, be safe everyone and much of loves.
p/s: can't wait to go back home with beloved parents. plus CAT too!