"Here we come, Come with me,
There's a world out there that we should see."
Let's Fly!Fly!Fly!"
- Rocketeer via Far East Movement-
Rise & shine everyone. Happy Friday!
And of course happy fasting to all.
I need inspiration. And let's fly like a rocketeer. It's kinda a blue-blue day for me and what I have to do is sit back and relax and stop communication with others.
The more you talk, the more you show your weaknesses.
Umm. should I start with the freedom of expression, or just do a random talk to cure the feeling? :'(
*Good deeds empower yourselves.*
This is what I have been taught. As human which we lack of everything we tend to have a desire, To foods, loves, affection and so many more that is keep going and unstoppable. Be it good or vice versa. Thus, if we over react to the bad desire, it might harm us and never do goods. For instance, let's say you are desiring for sex in this blossom year of teenagers, possibility to put you in a -ve risk might be high. Conversely, good deeds always bring +ve impacts t o you. Be it sooner or later. This is happens when you help someone in needed, you've realize that after all you should be grateful and never questioning why life treat you bad and thousands one irritating whining.
* The students*
Next, let's me share about one of the peculiar students I've found here in the school and it's quite abnormal things, happened.
I was standing outside the staffroom when all the afternoon session students Level 1 come with various faces expressions entering the main gate of the school.
The existence of one 'weird' students suddenly caught my attention.
He or she, me can't decide neither.
Look at this picts below.
Can you tell whether she is a girl or boy.
If a girl why she has that style of hair cuts, and if a boy how come he wears pinafore to school? Haha . LOL
With loads of curiosity, I asked a girl walking next to her,
"Is she a girl or boy? "
The the girl reply,
"Perempuan tu cikgu, " with a grin.
Umm. I asked again,
"Why she's botak?''
Then.. as expected reply, that girl is infected with KUTU (BUGS). Haha.
I'm speechless.
This girl is extremely 'special'. I mean the specialness in double meaning.
Let me tell you, she came to school with no shoes on, only berkaki ayam,
with sadly to say a very dirty school uniform no name tag, no belt,
and pathetically,
she has mud on the faces.
Gosh!, looks like she didn't even shower.
Where's the mom or sisters, I don't even know.
Shortly I'll took the 'girl' to the staffroom and asked the teacher fr help.