Hello Blog's!
How's you're doing since I've been neglected you for sometime.
My apology.
Well, I guess monologue-ing with self, things or something somehow is kinda good therapy.hee. ~.~ It's not a nuts thought or action anyway. ( I have read sometime ago, in Reader's Digest stating that there are some kind of things and behavior that ppl might think they were going nuts and out of their mind, which somehow is NORMAL ).
Umm..Like I said in recently updates that it was a very long-long months for me. Not to add, the business with assignments, etc.etc. Praise to Allah, I'm happy so far.
Just a few things and condition that sometimes kinda sucking my bloods up; hee^^ *just like Edward Cullen - the vampire* and make the spirits down. Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to give up, but all I know is since the spirits is down, so I'll better find a 'better - safe' place to play. :)
Okay, I'll give you a little analogy here.
Once, the educator said he wants to guides you, bla-bla-bla watsoever. Just like sh**. You are fully prepared with this and that, and with no avail, he just evaluates and judging you like a piece of sh**. LOL. What else you expect? Failed!
And last but not least, before I ended up my 'speak now' in here, just want to remind everyone again that nothing is immortal. As we are humans, we are not immune, we are not stronger. Remember! Plus, We have no POWER. Only Allah, (God the Almighty) that has the power to make us dead and alive. For that, always be prepared. Never brag yourself out of the limit.
*I'm just experienced the losing of our Beloved Cat* May his soul rest in peace. ameen:)

Image I : I have received some gifts from the students during my second week at school.
Hee. And this one a bit special since my little student has gave me the 'Baju Kurung' for me to wear.
Ouhh, I'm speechless. :D~
Image II: One of my smart students in the class of year 5 . :)
How's you're doing since I've been neglected you for sometime.
My apology.
Well, I guess monologue-ing with self, things or something somehow is kinda good therapy.hee. ~.~ It's not a nuts thought or action anyway. ( I have read sometime ago, in Reader's Digest stating that there are some kind of things and behavior that ppl might think they were going nuts and out of their mind, which somehow is NORMAL ).
Umm..Like I said in recently updates that it was a very long-long months for me. Not to add, the business with assignments, etc.etc. Praise to Allah, I'm happy so far.
Just a few things and condition that sometimes kinda sucking my bloods up; hee^^ *just like Edward Cullen - the vampire* and make the spirits down. Well, I'm not sure if I'm going to give up, but all I know is since the spirits is down, so I'll better find a 'better - safe' place to play. :)
Okay, I'll give you a little analogy here.
Once, the educator said he wants to guides you, bla-bla-bla watsoever. Just like sh**. You are fully prepared with this and that, and with no avail, he just evaluates and judging you like a piece of sh**. LOL. What else you expect? Failed!
*notes: Never mind, my crapping words above. Just need to release that kind of feeling anyway.*
Umm..what else? Well, I do have alots of thing to cover up for now. The assignments, unfinished Lesson's Plan, Reflection, Journal Report. auww! I'm really not in mood to do all those things. All I know is I just want to relax the mind, body & soul.
And, oh yeah. I really enjoy to catch up with the KOREAN soaps currently. hee~.~ Even though the hectic-ness of life split up in between, but I'm happy cause still do have time to makes the feeling fly up to the skies.
Speaking of which, feelings is something abstract that you can't even describe through words.
hmm...missing, losing, attaching, apart, missing, together-ing
haha. LOL. So many things mixed-up.
above: is my tired face before the class ends. hihi. :D
it's kinda addicting to taking pict with cam before schools session ends.
it's kinda addicting to taking pict with cam before schools session ends.
Umm..what else? Well, I do have alots of thing to cover up for now. The assignments, unfinished Lesson's Plan, Reflection, Journal Report. auww! I'm really not in mood to do all those things. All I know is I just want to relax the mind, body & soul.
And, oh yeah. I really enjoy to catch up with the KOREAN soaps currently. hee~.~ Even though the hectic-ness of life split up in between, but I'm happy cause still do have time to makes the feeling fly up to the skies.
Speaking of which, feelings is something abstract that you can't even describe through words.
hmm...missing, losing, attaching, apart, missing, together-ing
haha. LOL. So many things mixed-up.
And last but not least, before I ended up my 'speak now' in here, just want to remind everyone again that nothing is immortal. As we are humans, we are not immune, we are not stronger. Remember! Plus, We have no POWER. Only Allah, (God the Almighty) that has the power to make us dead and alive. For that, always be prepared. Never brag yourself out of the limit.
*I'm just experienced the losing of our Beloved Cat* May his soul rest in peace. ameen:)
Image I : I have received some gifts from the students during my second week at school.
Hee. And this one a bit special since my little student has gave me the 'Baju Kurung' for me to wear.
Ouhh, I'm speechless. :D~