hello everyone!
happy week-end.
Time flies so fast that we even sometimes forget what had happen last week in the same time; and the same day; just a different date; different stories and place.
Well, best memories last.
But; bitter stories isn't easy to forget.
Don't you think so? Well, as people said don't hold into your past.
Let them go.
Then you will be able to built a new fresh life.
I admit it's 98% true. Well the other 2% is I save for; to make a better lesson in the future.
Talking about the future, If god willing (InsyaAllah) dealing with kids, teaching, conveying lessons will be my priority and responsible.
This is what they called become a "Teacher".
well, for me, being a teacher's is not something that you could proud off or else take it for granted. It is a responsible, amanah that everyone has put on you.
They put their trust on you to built a better and first class generation ahead.
So do what it takes, what you should.
I remember as a quotes says;
" In teaching you cannot see the fruits of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years."
---Jacques Barzun---
Image 1# Taken during last time S.B.E. Indeed, I had fun with it.
Thus, I still have two more years left before ended up everything and start a new chapter of my life. More challenges and risk to face.
Whatever it is, just hold onto my faith and goals.
InsyaAllah everything's will be on their right way.
wondering why is it so long to uploads pictures through Blogger, nowadays.
happy week-end.
Time flies so fast that we even sometimes forget what had happen last week in the same time; and the same day; just a different date; different stories and place.
Well, best memories last.
But; bitter stories isn't easy to forget.
Don't you think so? Well, as people said don't hold into your past.
Let them go.
Then you will be able to built a new fresh life.
I admit it's 98% true. Well the other 2% is I save for; to make a better lesson in the future.
Talking about the future, If god willing (InsyaAllah) dealing with kids, teaching, conveying lessons will be my priority and responsible.
This is what they called become a "Teacher".
well, for me, being a teacher's is not something that you could proud off or else take it for granted. It is a responsible, amanah that everyone has put on you.
They put their trust on you to built a better and first class generation ahead.
So do what it takes, what you should.
I remember as a quotes says;
" In teaching you cannot see the fruits of a day's work. It is invisible and remains so, maybe for twenty years."
---Jacques Barzun---
Thus, I still have two more years left before ended up everything and start a new chapter of my life. More challenges and risk to face.
Whatever it is, just hold onto my faith and goals.
InsyaAllah everything's will be on their right way.
wondering why is it so long to uploads pictures through Blogger, nowadays.