hey-hey darlings!
how's the Tuesday so far?
Hope you got to find a positive aura's and serenity ahead.
I am sure that's the thing that everyone craving and looking for. Just most of the times people tend to jump into the contrast; because of no faith in life, no patience no principles. At last, everyone ended with mess and shit.!
Well, btw I just done with the second paper of 4th Semester examination. Kinda fine for me, since today I'm a little dizzy and no matter what, I should move my ass quickly from the hall.
alhamdulillah, I'm fine now. Gonna grab some aassi's that I haven't done yet and do some 'last minute' revision later.:)
eventhough people might say that early preparations is BETTER, but for people like 'me' last minute thing might work as well.
no matter what just cheers yourself and be happy.
I'm still in a mood of relaxing and joy for now, since I just come to the age of 21. I am now eligible to be a Voters. [lma0]. haha. will I vote? am I interested in putting my hopes and trust to develop my places to that 'someone'?
Well, let it goes naturally then. All we know that sooner or later, everyone will die, and there's no immortality in this world. We've ended up with the Day after Tomorrow a.k.a Judging Day. Meeting God; and counts how much bad and goods you've been done during your early life. So be prepared. Living your life as you will never regret it in the future.
Anyway, remember when I told you that I was deeply fallin in love with Taylor Swift, recently?
Indeed, I do.
apart than this Enchanted, Last Kiss and Mean songs, one of her piece of Back to December; really3 touching inside. I admit I can repeat and sing along for 15 times per day with this song, currently. Although, for this time album the feeling she's convey is very contra with her previous album, the song Back to December which is she dedicated perfectly for ex- Taylor Lautner; has really done an awesome job.
I wasn't falling in love with Taylor Lautner before; but I'm falling in love with the song Swift's dedicated to him.
Cause I wanna dedicate them to someone that I fall into;
and change them to "Back to November"~
Anyway, below I uploads some "Back to November" pics of mine.
Seriously, I am falling in love with November.

image 1# the presence; bring me fly high to the sky.

image 2# appreciates is not about giving materials gift. It's all about trust and sincerity.
merci beaucoup, tout le monde!