happy thursday.
happy football-ing.
and so-so-so happy.
Again, I've rarely updating my blog and biarkan ianya terdampar sepi.hehe.
Bukannya apa, since it's a quite long sem break i had, so semuanya pun jadi cuti.lala~
except dua benda ja x cuti; makan and tidoq.=D
And today, when I sign in to my blogger account, tengok da ada applications baharu.New design and templates. So, bersempena dengan sedikit kerajinan yang timbul, I take this chance to do updating and a lil changes.Kalau bukan hari ni, tak tau bila lagi.
Tonight again group D match which is Germany,my favourite team. Mau stay up,tengoklah.
Not really in fancy mood actually.=)
Plus, semester break almost over. huh. >sigh<. Owh yeah talking of coming back campus again, I can give a relieve smile since 3rd semester result da release and I did well, so far.
Btw, I think that's all for this post then.
Living her life, like tomorrow the worlds end.