
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Assignment's is killing me!tq=D

hello Bloggie~

Selamat Raya, Salam Syawal.
Tak lambat lagi kan, if mau wish2 raya ni?
well, Happy Malaysia Day too!;)

Btw, saja cek singgah masuk blog untuk meluahkan perasaan bercelaru ini ;
dengar baik2;

"I hate the feeling of assignment tak siap & the deadlines is really looming!"

anyone can help me to complete all this sicks* assi's??

.tetiba emo* mode.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Day 1st:
say cheers ;D

Day 1st :
I can't tell how much the pure and lovely in this pretty face makes me appreciates life; more.

Day 1st:
''we proud to be Malaysian''; maybe that's what they have in their heart.

Day 1st :
a day before National Day break. Right after I'm zoom-ing the cam. to the kids, they excitedly give a happy posed.

photo courtesy;
.by me.

School Based Experience IV; an experience, I can't tell.

hello everyone!

it's Thursday, and another 8 days to go to Syawal month. kalau dah syawal maksudnya Raya la kan? gee~.~ feeling good setiap kali teringat raya. =D

here's the equation;

Puasa - 3o hari + Syawal = Raya
.Big Grinnnzzz.

By the way, let me put the raya issue aside first, tapi mau habaQ sal SBE/PBS/ROS/SOS? *adakah?
Since I did my School Based Experience yang tidak berapa jauhnya from home, so it's kinda nice when I don't have to wake up rushingly--and do everything rushingly. All I can do is sit back and relax, and buka-tutup mata, I reach the school safely. =D

The kids;

kids. pupils.student. --> they are nice. Sangat excited kalau ada cikgu yang baru. Apatah lagi cikgu muda macam saya. haha=)) bertambahlah syoknya mereka. Everyday pegi bilik guru, minta *Cikgu* mereka ini masuk kelas. lalala~. Kalau cikgu* ini sudah masuk kelas, mulalah mereka buat gaya-gaya suka, mengada, minta puji, exciting --- after all, they're still kids. So pure and genuinely.

Murid A : eey... cikgu, cikgu cutelah.muda.Cikgu macam kakak saya.
Murid B : iya, cikgu.Kami suka cikgu masuk kelas.
Murid C : Cikgu...cikgu, cikgu ada kakak di sekolah X kan?


Cikgu kononnya* : Iya. Kamu nie..bodek cikgu ja ey?

Well, itulah mereka. Kanak-kanak disekolah. Masih kecil dari segi fizikalnya, namun agak *advance pengetahuannya. Sebut Lady Gaga, Cristiano Ronaldo; semua dorang tau. Cakap saja Dota, Mafia Wars, ---oh... mereka lebih advance.
Facebook--nda payah cakapla. lalala~
Itulah mereka. walau tinggal di ulu* haha;); tapi memang dah tau almost everything* yang orang dewasa seperti saya tau.
Baiklah, izinkan saya memaparkan wajah-wajah kanak2 di sekolah ulu* saya berPBS.

* will post the pictures on my next post.
the kids ask me to go to their class, and I can't resist again. xo. =)

thoughts of today;

~setinggi mana langit dijulang, disitulah bumi di junjung~

ma famille; amourer.


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